I am taking Nora to the dentist tomorrow. A new dentist. We have a fabulous children's dentist but Nora won't let her into her mouth to see what's going on. She freaks. Like REALLY freaks. And Nora's teeth have been ground down by her bruxism. (teeth grinding) So I am really curious to see if the dentist at Children's Hospital will have to sedate her or something to get an exam. Should be fun. And she has a cough and slight fever today. Ug. Hopefully we wont' have to reschedule.
Only 2 more weeks until her 4th birthday. Big girl. I think at her 4 year well check up I am going to have her get her MMR vaccine finally. ( I did get her the H1N1 and seasonal flu shots and boosters this year.) I think she's ready. I think I'm ready. I still have concerns about getting her final booster of the DTaP. There is that huge WHAT IF? She can't go back to having seizures. That's not an option.
Alex will be traveling for the next few weeks. Denver, Munich, Japan...Wichita! fun stuff. He'll be out of town for his and Nora's birthdays. But he'll be back for her party. I am sure I will be going bonkers by the end of his trips.
Thanks for checking in