Saturday, September 26, 2009

school and other random stuff

Emma likes to wear matching pj's with Nora.

The first week of school has gone quite smoothly for Nora. Nora's bus driver is great. He is super nice and really helpful. The bus is supposed to be at our house 20 minutes earlier but due to his other bus route, he doesn't get to our house until 8:15 which is the exact time I am supposed to be dropping Emma off at school. Hopefully next week he'll be able to come a bit earlier. He is trying to change the route. And he gave me his cell number in case I need to get in touch with him. How nice is that?

Nora's first day in class was hectic. The class was a tad rambunctious. there were a lot of new faces. Nora was in the afternoon class last year and now is in the morning. I went in and observed M & F. She did great. She looks like such a big girl. I am glad she is back with the same teacher. There are about 5 or 6 adults in the classroom with 16 kids. There are usually a few aides (teaching students from UW), an OT or SLP and the teacher and assistant teacher. The ratio is 8 typical to 8 special needs kids. I am so happy school is back in session!!!

It's been a long week. Alex has been gone all week. He is in Asia for work and gets back Sun. I am taking a girls night away tonight so Grandma is staying with the girls. Yahoo!! Emma has a cross country meet on Sun. She is on the team for school. I asked her how she likes it and she said "I like everything but the running part". I guess she won't be on the Olympic team for running. Oh well.

I have no pictures from school. I forgot to bring my camera. And I have been trying to get Nora on video playing with her doll house but she stops when she sees the camera. I have to try to be stealthy.

Thanks for checking in.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Preschool take me away

Nora has been doing some pretend play with the doll house. She calls it the dog house because there is a dog and cat that she likes to play with. This is a good step in her development. She also said a 6 word sentence the other day "Plane fly up in the sky" Pretty good my little chatterbox.

Even though she is making so many gains, I can't wait for her school to start. Monday morning the bus will pick her up. Not a moment too soon. It has been a long summer for Nora and me. She only had 4 days of summer camp in July. Other than that, it has been a lot of mommy and Nora time since her last day of school in June. I am starting to go a bit batty. I love her to bits but man I need a little space. Shouldn't the bathroom be a one person place? Not for Nora. She is constantly at my side and needs A LOT of attention. If you don't pay attention to her, she screams, pulls on me, cries, climbs on me, etc. And she is constantly singing and talking. She has a few obsessive behaviors that get a bit old after awhile. "What's a cow say? Mooooo. What's duck say "quack quack" and so on through every farm animal. For hours if I'd let her. I am ready for a break. She is at school M-F for 2 hours and 15 minutes and the bus is probably a 30 min ride each way. Aaaahhhhh. It will be a nice break for both of us.

Stay tuned for first day of school news!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Big First Grader

Emma started her new school yesterday. First grade. She didn't seem too undone about starting a new school. She didn't have much to say when she got home. It's like pulling teeth to try to find out what she does all day. She doesn't really understand the whole uniform thing. "Why can't I wear purple tights, flip flops and a flowered shirt with my skirt?" She has a very interesting style. But I am sure she'll get used to it.

And we all have to get used to an early start to our day. Emma's school starts at 8:25 and Nora's starts at 8:45 so her bus will probably pick her up about 8. That means I have to get up earlier. Ug.

Nora gets to go in 3 more weeks. Can't wait!

Thanks for checking in